If a woman rapes a man and becomes pregnant, should the man be able to terminate it?

If a woman rapes a man and becomes pregnant, should the man be able to terminate it?

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Well-Known Member
Here is how this should play out.
The baby will be left untouched. The mother must suck the rape victims dick twice a day. The mother must raise all the money for the baby. The father should only check in to recieve blowjobs and to meet and greet with the child


Well-Known Member
what stage is the baby at
what genetic test were done
is the baby healthy
is she rich are u rich ( can u afford to care for a sick kid all your life or afford to send the kid to school)
marry or single
is your wife/gf cool or a uptight bitch with the hottest pussy ever had (hence why u are with them)

depending on those things it would change the out come ........but the answer is simpler
call the cops have her locked up for rape the baby is born and removed from her u can adopt baby out
or u can keep the baby and make the bitch pay u child support for the next 18 years with no visiting right

but the point is make her go tho child birth and then rip the kid away from her with never holding it or seeing it clearlly .......it pops out hold upside down slap the ass all see shes and hears the cryings ( twist the knife deep emotional scar the bitch )


Well-Known Member
Seeing how there are cases where a man was raped, then put on the hook for providing for the kid, I'd want that baby to be aborted so there was no chance of any repercussions affecting me in ways i don't want. It would be bad enough going through the rape, but being forced to live with the outcome is even worse, which is why i support abortion in all rape cases( men or women), if it's warranted. NO felon should have any right to make decisions regarding the victims life after a crime. On the other hand, if the victim wants the child, the woman should be held under strict supervision and be forced to go to term, with the babys health held before the felons(mothers)


Well-Known Member
Give the man the choice of parental rights but not held to it if unwilling. She on the other hand... goes to jail, has the baby under strict supervision throughout. Is then spayed like a cat and left to rot. Child goes to dad or adoption. Many a couples would love and cherish.....Its not the babies fault folks.


New Member
Well obviously it would be the dude who some how got raped by a chicks choice, only because he was the victim of sexual assault and cant be held responsible for the well being of the baby due to the way it came to be and shouldn't have to keep it just because he would feel bad to know that his sperm is out there some where and he's not taking care of it ( if he's that kind of guy). And she shouldn't have a choice because she committed a federal crime which resulted in becoming pregs. Now that's just the logic behind it, as far as whether abortion would be right in the first place is some thing else.