idea for marijuana being legal..


Active Member
if EVERYONE that smoked would grow their own and grow everywhere outside in random yards on some areas by lakes streams u name it. if it was over ran so much that the cops couldnt do anything if everyone just grew it they cant afford to lock everyone up. even seeds you get out of sacks. just go put it in some soil random spots.. it works it works it dont i dont


Well-Known Member
its not just you, i want to throw handfulls of seeds out the widow of a car wherever i go, just so my town would be over run by plants, ive got a bag with a few thousand seeds in it, so it could happen next grow season


Calyx LED
Put a ton of seeds in a bag, then into a potato gun and blast them off in all directions!



Active Member
Well the government doesn't own are bodies so what we put in it shouldn't be against the law.:clap:


Active Member
people been sayin this for as long as I can remember

And yes the govt doesnt own our bodies. Its fucked up that they have to get a judge to sign a warrant before they can search ur house but basically any institution can search the contents of ur bladder if they want to without any kind of warrant
It would be great if you went to the top of a public park, and launched seeds in all directions. Knowing the cops, they would probably quarantine the whole park and spray it with toxic chemicals to get rid of it all, ruining the park in the process.