I want to totally bomb my room


Active Member
I'm still I week two of flower but after I harvest I want to bomb my room. I had a pretty bad spidermite infestation awhile ago and got rid of them with forbid (amazing stuff, no surprise it's illegal in Cali!). Just the same I want to bomb the he'll out of my room to make sure those little bastards don't come back. I'd like to know what is recommended on getting this done. It's a bedroom in my house right off of my living room so I don't want anything majorly toxic. Thanks fo any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
im sure it is majorly toxic. but you can always tape off the room, cap your vents, bomb it...go camping for a day or two and come back and vent the room out


Well-Known Member
wow! i have seen a few mite sin my garden, i brought a plant indoors form outside, and thats how i got them. on a scale of 1-10, id say its about a 3 or a 4. not terribly bad. i only see a couple here and there and i kill them with my finger. but they do come back. how can i totally eradicate them all forever? i had a gnat problem form over watering a little the first few weeks. that is 99% resolved and i did it without spending a penny and as organically as possible. but how do i rid these damn mites??