i never add cal mag....


Well-Known Member
I dont add cal-mag, my water is kinda soft...50ppm from tap

i do drain to waste in coco

I was just wondering if adding this would be beneficial or not



You can make your own for a fraction of the cost. There are a couple threads about it. Search and Google is your friend.


Well-Known Member
the question was if adding it just to be adding it would be beneficial. If you have no signs of deficiencies and add it just to add it, any benefit?


Well-Known Member
i tried without cal/mg before it dont looks good...this plant really need this cal/mag in order to grow thriving. i grow in the soilless 50/50 peat moss and perlite. Added with Lime that got cal/mg. im using tap water too.



Well-Known Member
yes i got a better result by added cal/mag and other vital trace of elements that plants need to grow...i dont know if its your first time grow...but from my n00b days they will get plagued by cal,mag, P def etc..i ended up killed my plants like 15 times, finally i got to understand how to make this plant tick...and its more important to read the plants s needs or symptons. IMHO, cannabis require the cal/mg in order to grow thriving.
