I need you guys help with a feeding schedule for SOIL!! All pertinent answers +REP


Active Member
I am growing 3 NL and 2 Blue Mystic all fem from Nirvana. They are in 3 gallon pots filled with 1/2 FFOF and the other half is a Light Warrior/perlite/vermiculite. I am 10 days into flowering tomorrow. The nutrients I have available are PBP grow PBP bloom,calmag,Sweet berry,Liquid karma. I looked on botanicares webpage and they say per gallon I should give 10ml [BLOOM] 4ml [Liquid Karma] 5ml [CalMag] 8ml [Sweet Berry]. Does that sound like a good starting point or over nuting to you guys? My HM Ph80/COM80 TDS meters will be here in a few days as well as my Phup/Phdown. So should I look for a certain EC/TDS after mixing in combo with a ph reading? And what has worked for you guys? I'm already showing nice bud sites,I just want to maximize the yield while not stressing my gals. :weed:


Well-Known Member
1 tsp/gallon of grow or bloom during flower is plenty. If you need calmag, add maybe 1/2 tsp/gallon. As for the karma and sweet, I never noticed a difference when using either of them.


I use the botanicare pbp for soil, started out using ff nutes=garbage. Also use cal mag as needed let the ladies decide what they want test ph and flush bout every 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I run CNS-17 as PBP is not organic, nor OMRI certified, its chleated with synthetic salts and such and therefore is an organic base... but not solely organic.

BTW I think sweet is grossly unneeded and overpriced nearly 3x the cost per gallon as my CNS is even.

I like liquid Karma though.....


Well-Known Member
I use the Pro Grow and Pro Bloom from Bontanicare and so far I love it. I started giving my plants bloom nutes as soon as I started to flower and stopped veg nutes. Started at 5ml per gallon and have slowly worked up to 12ml per gallon I may go up to 15ml before I start reducing the amount. I also mix in General Organics CalMg+ and General Hydroponics Nectar. I do 5ml per gallon of CalMg and 10ml of Nectar. I water with this each watering and do RO water only evey 1-2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
PBP is nice, nut is lacking CALMG so you will need to supplement that in....

I personally would say for the first 10-14 days of flower to stick with grow nutes, then do a 50/50 grow and bloom mix before about day 19-21 transitioning to sole bloom nutes. This helps keep leave drop off and yellowing happening to early in flower i have noticed.


Well-Known Member
PBP is nice, nut is lacking CALMG so you will need to supplement that in....

I personally would say for the first 10-14 days of flower to stick with grow nutes, then do a 50/50 grow and bloom mix before about day 19-21 transitioning to sole bloom nutes. This helps keep leave drop off and yellowing happening to early in flower i have noticed.
See the thing is I have heard the exact opposite from other people... some say you need the bloom nutes early to encourage bud growth and that it's better to use the veg nutes later after stretch is done to keep'em from yellowing too fast. So I am now confused, and wanting to know which is true... PBP's feed schedule is even N & P the first few weeks of flower and gets higher in P the farther in you get. I'm going to be following the official feed schedule for this next batch in flower now unless someone gives me reason otherwise.


Well-Known Member
LEaves yellowing and falling off in flower is normal and it will happen period. Feeding veg nutes keeps the leaves green from the nitrogen which they dont really need in flowering and can make a harsh smoke. I totally stopped veg nutes with the switch in lighting for flowering. Some strains seem to need a little veg nutes for the first few weeks of flower like Blue Dream, all 3 BD plants yellowed a lot in flower. I grew 3 BD plants, kept 1 and was vegging the other 2 for my father in law. All 3 yellowed after 2 weeks into flowering. I just let mine be and it is doing fine and has nice buds for my first grow and my father in law did everything he could to green the leaves back up again. Which he did do but he fed a lot of nitrogen to the plant to do so and I think he stressed the plants out because his yield was pretty low from 2 plants. A slow transition from veg to bloom nutes is a good idea I just done feel the need because the soil still has plenty to feed the plant. In veg I concentrate on growing green healthy plants in flower I concentrate on growing nice buds.


Well-Known Member
LEaves yellowing and falling off in flower is normal and it will happen period. Feeding veg nutes keeps the leaves green from the nitrogen which they dont really need in flowering and can make a harsh smoke. I totally stopped veg nutes with the switch in lighting for flowering. Some strains seem to need a little veg nutes for the first few weeks of flower like Blue Dream, all 3 BD plants yellowed a lot in flower. I grew 3 BD plants, kept 1 and was vegging the other 2 for my father in law. All 3 yellowed after 2 weeks into flowering. I just let mine be and it is doing fine and has nice buds for my first grow and my father in law did everything he could to green the leaves back up again. Which he did do but he fed a lot of nitrogen to the plant to do so and I think he stressed the plants out because his yield was pretty low from 2 plants. A slow transition from veg to bloom nutes is a good idea I just done feel the need because the soil still has plenty to feed the plant. In veg I concentrate on growing green healthy plants in flower I concentrate on growing nice buds.
You should not be posting advice given your experience level.

Yellowing leaves and leaf loss during flower is not 'normal'. It's your first grow, how do you know what 'normal' even is?

Yellowing leaves could be a sign of many things but in your case, it's probably from not meeting your plant's needs for nitrogen. Your plant is essentially suffering a slow death which means your yield and quality will be poor. 'Poor quality' is relative, it could still be better than stuff available on the black market. Compared to properly grown herb, you're producing poor quality.

Instead of feeding the plant what you want the plant to have, try feeding the plant what it actually needs. Sometimes that means using 'grow' formula in bloom. Maintaining healthy, green leaves until the end of the plant's life is the best way to not only produce well, but to produce the best meds. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Yup this feeding was a good example... I ended up giving the yellowing plants veg nutes, and the flowering plants that were not yellowing much if at all flower nutes (actually 1/4 veg, 3/4 bloom).


Well-Known Member
Just because this is my first grow does not mean I dont know what I am doing. Do I still have a ton to learn??? Yes I do I am a noob, however I have been involved in a few other grows before I started my own so I did not come into this not knowing anything. I am not saying all my leaves yellowed and fell off in fact my plants are pretty happy, they are not super plants by any means but growing some nice buds. I have learned to let my plants tell me what they want. I can say my first grow is turning out better than many of my friends first grows. Yellowing leaves is normal in flow especially in the last few weeks. This is because flower nutes lack the nitrogen that gives the leaves their nice green color, plus we stop feeding the last week or 2 to flush the nutes from the plant so the plant is using up all it's stored nutrient reserves farther yellowing the leaves. As said you can feed the plants light veg nutes while in flower but IMO that is just more flushing that will need to be done.


Well-Known Member
Homebrewer is right on the money....... Yellowing of leaves in early mid flower is not good, and the "excess" nitrogen so many people are afraid of is what is plant wants and is suppose to have..... by the end of flower the plant knows when to transition and if you flush as well you can surely help the plant use up the "excess" N within 5-7days. Try not to think of it as "excess" in a bad way.... more like a bear loading up on fat before hybernating, or a runner eatting pasta the night before his race. The stored N and dark green leaves is future fuel for flower development in the most immediately bioaval. way the plant can have it.

Yellowing leaves come like week 7-9 well then that is more standard and normal... but I seen way to many times people follow a feed chart, or god forbid nearly drop all N and load up on retardedly high doses of P and K thinking it encourages faster flower site development. Everytime I have tried this it causes stretch, leave drop off, cal-mg problems...... and numerous others not to mention causing your plant stress invites pests and illness.