I Heart Facebook Too

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure what is going on here but I feel like there should either be a lot more chairs and organization, or a lot less clothes and future porn hub video. idk my opinion.


Well-Known Member
i hnoestly have no idea what this is about. i've never seen that photo before, although the carpet in that hotel looks familiar.


Well-Known Member
i hnoestly have no idea what this is about. i've never seen that photo before, although the carpet in that hotel looks familiar.
He's implying "you're gay" I believe...but honestly, all I'm seeing is projection and cognitive transference.

Gayro, is that you?


New Member
He's implying "you're gay" I believe...but honestly, all I'm seeing is projection and cognitive transference.

Gayro, is that you?
Got that gaydar working overtime I see!

But it's actually a pic of three little teenage girls rolling on the floor laughing.


Well-Known Member
and beenqueer calls me creepy for simply replying in one of his threads...meanwhile this never-heard-of-nitrogen retard is starting threads about me.

how much you gonna charge me for that space i'm renting n your head, beenqueer?