huh a new video havent seen,,,


Well-Known Member
at around 9 mns he says

then " I get kinda pissed and cocky! " and people here WONDER? wonder here!! 8)
no options???

fuckers still going strong

he's not alone! ;)

any talk about regulation is a joke. though he has a point.


Well-Known Member
I say ...switch it up..... :)

Just don't believe CBD is the one key here is all......
CBD was nearly none existent yet people have been doing well by this treatment regardless!
f ya can get one that has some great,,,,
I bet the swags he got maybe a few times just wasn't his strain...
everyone is different and supposedly certain strains sometimes show they work more for one person, than they do for another.


Well-Known Member
Here's another prime candidate..
they told her to go home and die...over three years ago ;)
you tell me what you think..

first OVER three years ago.. they gave her three months to live

as of March this year

watching her other videos of her fight is a real eye opener!
make you REALLY REEAALY wonder why Gord Downie is rolling over and just saying ..... CYA....with his diagnosis,,,

the power of weed oil people..everyone should eat this stuff daily..


Well-Known Member
what shes say at the end
.........................she cant believe...
I know what she means wholeheartedly....

....when you talk to people about this..most times their heads turn sideways..and everything fly's out the window..

its a tough one to fathom that we have been lied to all these years ....:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:
and we've been burning a cancer killer and had no clue:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss: