How long does it take to show nute burn?


Well-Known Member
A question.. I was wondering in a hydro set up, how fast will a plant that has been over nuted show signs of it? Is it same day.. a week.. just wondering as I was tinkering with my nutes and want to keep an eye on them so I can flush if I see damage.. but I wondered how long I have to be on guard?


Well-Known Member
depending on how fast there growing u could know in a matter of hours
I've heard that too, what I was looking for was how long COULD it take.. so like how long do I stress over watching them.

Thanks for the input though, I appreciate you taking the time to help.

They are actually starting to look better the last time I looked. The new growth is filling in nice and green.. no new signs of nute burn. Tomorrow will be the tell all..