How do I know if these mite eggs are dead?


whats up folks. so ive been dealing with a mite infestation. had them under control for a while with neem and a fleet of ladybugs, but recently a new round of eggs have hatched and the plants are too late to keep getting neemed. i bought into the hype of this new Might Wash stuff, it looks like all the adults have keeled over:clap: but the eggs still remain.

my question is how do i know that the eggs are dead? i doused them all but am going to be fearful until i know they are all dead.

this mighty wash stuff seems to be very legit, though!


Well-Known Member
well apparently it does kill the eggs too,but just to be sure,spray your plants again in 4-5 days,which is usually what it takes for the eggs to hatch.then that way they wont have time to lay any more eggs and will all be killed.


Well-Known Member
spray then spray again in 4-5 days then again 4-5 days and that should catch them all...............


thanks guys, i soaked the fuck outa them. i know it says that it kills all stages, and im surely gonna keep up on this, but are there any signs to tell if the eggs are for sure dead? ive only been growin for a year, and am dealing with my first infestation. ive kept them under control so far, im just not sure what dead mite eggs look like.

thanks again.


im assuming theyre dead. no hatched mites in over a week. still no idea how to distinguish living eggs from dean eggs, but considering im just gonna blast anything mite related, i guess it doesnt matter.