How do i germinate with a peat plug

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It should have directions on the pack.I think you just soak the plug until it expands,then drop the seed down in the little hole in the cloth.You should keep it kinda moist, too, I think.Why not just use a paper towel?
How do i germinate a seed with a peat plug

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
dude or lady... just drop the pucks into water they'll expand, drop your seed or seeds into the provided hole... put in warm place light or dark... and walk away in about 4 days to a week you should have a seedling to torture... J/k


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you would want to keep it in a warm dark place until they sprout. But like Mcfried said, why not just use paper towels?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
They usually come with the peat plugs..a little tray to set them in, with a clear plastic lid. You could use a clean butter tub and put plastic wrap over it.Just lift the plastic a couple of times a day to make sure they get some fresh air.
where do u buy a humidity dome

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
the hole only goes half way down if you feel the need to cover it than by all means cover it

heres what seedling/clone dome setup is... underneath is a heat mat... i use pucks for clones and seedlings...

