hi :) help and advice wanted


Well-Known Member
So after a remotely successful summer grow I'd like to try a led grow indoors in soil in a 3 foot square and four foot tall box. My questions are what soil, led light, and nutes would be best. Any and all comments welcome. Can post pics of summer grow if y'all want me too. Anyway thanks to anybody that wants to help. Also excuse me if this isn't the right forum section for my thread. Only joined a day ago and not 100 percent understanding the mobile site yet lol


Well-Known Member
I've been using royal gold basement mix. But I hear good things
About Pro mix. I only have experience with a Procyon led.
And although it will work in flower, the buds will be on the
Smaller side. Like a 150 watt hps. And it has a 500.00
Price tag. : ( I am interested to know what led's you decide
To go with. I'm in the same boat. Im just finishing an outdoor
Summer grow, now getting ready for the indoor.


Well-Known Member
There are so many leds to choose from :/ I'm going to ask my buddy that majored in electronics if he could build 1. Damn that would be nice. Anyways thanks for posting and led is the only viable option I have so I guess my buds will be little lol. What strain did you grow over the summer?


Well-Known Member
Some unknown seeds from a club here.
Cool thing was every one of them was female!
Well my buds were small because I only had 100
Watts of led's on them. But if you can get your hands on
A more powerful light, or lights, you will be happy.
My led buds were smaller, but they were at least hard.
Not all fluffy. And tons of trichs.


Well-Known Member
I decided to buy the a300 from vipar and I'm going to build a box around it based on its dimensions. It should be more than enough for the space but I'm ok with that as it will more than do a good job lol