Hemp Oil = Treatment for Cancer = THC/CBD only?


Well-Known Member

Why do they sell THC/CBD oil as medical treatments for cancer,etc?.

I ask this because there's over 120+ cannabinoids in Cannabis. So it would be good to have the other 120+ cannabinoids which may also be of great medical value?.

How can someone make a oil that has the 120+ cannabinoids?

Thank You.


Well-Known Member
Very few studies done. We don't know much like dude above me said. However some studies showed THC directly killed cancers/tumors. Therefore people usually want at least a THC oil. I think it becomes less so if you don't ingest it though. The rick simpson oil seems to have the most shit in it from the plant.. using ether. Or alcohol. I see mixing it with coconut oil is working awesome also. Activates it.