Help Me!

go.0d times

Active Member
I need to somehow pass my upcoming piss test(s)m for probation. No more dirty piss or I'm fucked. What is a reliable, guaranteed-to-work way to allow me to pass my piss test(s)?

Oh and don't say abstinence there's not enough time for that.


Well-Known Member
go to wal-mart(or whereever) n pick up "sure-jell Premium Fruit Pectin. get the powder or mixed shit dont matter. mix it up withh some water drink it down. Be a man it tastes like elmers glue or maybe even worse. eat a sammich or something. now sit around it takes 2-3hours. when you piss after you drink the shit then go c the PO becuase the next time you piss its gonna be clean. its worked 4 me n my boys that are all on papers.

drink the shit
pee 1st time
pee second time is the clean pee for ur PO


Well-Known Member
umm. just drink as much vinegar as your stomach can handle. I passed 3 years of probation this way, though, I cannot GUARANTEE it...though, nor can anything else.