help major problem


Active Member
Hey peeps, i have a major problem. My neighbours has been talking bout a funny smell they have in there houses, and one of them asked if i was growing as they have a strong smell of weed in there bedroom, i'm now panicking and wanted to know if i could cover it up with anything, the trouble is there's holes what the pipes run through. should i seal the hole closet and would the smell still get through


Well-Known Member
i haven't been growing that long, but my advice is look at the growfaq, and build yourself a carbon filter, they are cheap, easy to construct, and are well worth it...try looking into one.


Active Member
i had a look at how you build a carbon filter and really don't understand how it works, once you build it what do you do with it, i have no ventilation and no fans, my setup is as basic as it gets a light in a closet and plants underneath, please help i have no idea what i'm doing and need to get rid of the smell. PLEASEEEEEE HELP!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh boy...well if you don't have anything you might need to think about emergency plans of where to take the plants(just in case) until you get some supplies. Do you have a hydro shop near you?


Well-Known Member
I've read on hear before that you can get some kitty litter...put it in a tray and pour a little pine sol on the litter. I have no experience with this though, so I don't know how trustworthy it is. I would say your best bet would be to get an ozone generator. You can get the ozone jr. for around 100 bucks and it would work for a closet. Also...can you move the plants to another part of the house that doesn't share a wall with the neighbors?(I'm assuming you are in a duplex or apt.)


Active Member
would a prem-i-air compact odor remover work, heres details, what ya think
  • Ioniser.
  • Suitable for rooms up to size 15m2.
  • 2 speeds.
  • UV / photo catalytic technology removes odours and kills more than 90% of airborne bacteria and volatile compounds.
  • Eliminates odours in kitchens, nurseries, desktops, etc.
  • Quiet in operation.
  • Wall mountable.
  • Size (H)24, (W)9, (D)11cm.


Well-Known Member
Yes that will help...An ozone generator changes odor molecules to o3 which completely gets rid of smell. The UV light in that unit has got to help though.....wait a I'm thinking an ozone gen has a uv light in it. I'll find out real quick.


Active Member
think i'm gonna try the cat litter with pine sounds the easiest and cheapest, could the chemicals from pine sol do damage to my plants, we'll see what happens, hopefully should get rid of some of the smell, i've got bout 3 weeks left so hopefully can get through that with the litter, wish me luck


Well-Known Member
what ever your doing make it quick, shit im getting paranoid for ya. For right now try and seal any holes in your closet and vent into your place so the smell doesnt go into the neighbors place. Make a carbon filter, its freakin easy as pie, there are so many designs here so pick one and do it asap