Hash to Hash oil?


New Member
So I've been looking and haven't seen much on the issue. I have some not so great tasting hash, and was looking at trying to convert it to oil. I figured in principal I should be able to just turn the hash into oil with another form of solvent I was thinking either iso alcohol or I've been reading into propyl glycol as another possibility. I guess for the hash I would need to get it into small pieces to try and evenly dissolve the mixture. Any thoughts, ideas, expieriences?


Well-Known Member
I used 99% iso. I had about 15g's+ of hash and did any iso wash with it. poured the hash into the iso, shook the shit out of it, filtered it thru 2 brown coffee filters, then evaped it. ended up with 4.5g of oil.


New Member
Thank you very much, I have slightly less than that so I'm looking forward to results when I get around to mixing it all.


Well-Known Member
"had about 15g's+ of hash... ended up with 4.5g of oil."
Dude that's insane what was the rest of the weight composed of


Well-Known Member
empty trich shells. and shit on my 3 pyrex dishes I couldn't get out. leftover goodness on the dishes, oiled up razor blades, and oil on my fingers I couldn't save. I wasted probably 2g's. fingers got stuck to the blade after it dropped in my "puddle", grabbed another blade and got stuck as well, and I got pissed cause I was wasting good medicine. it was a train wreck. lol