Harvest to Home


I have one beautiful girl about 30 min from home, who is about 4 weeks in (sorry no pics yet- I just found this sight...you all rock!!!),

What is the best way to harvest and get all her lovelies home in the best condition? I can do a bit of cutting on site, but want to dry/cure at home. Any recommendations out there on transporting? I was up all night long trying to figure various ways...brown bags, plastic bags, wax paper?? then smell, put a gallon of gas in the back of my rig to keep the skunk at bay?? Peace and thnx for sharing


Well-Known Member
dont put your buds near gas or anything like that, they'll take on that smell and maybe even taste.

If you can dry indoors, string lines inside of an appropriate sized box, hang inside there. close the box, poke 10-15 holes round the outside and have a fan circulate are in the room, not directly on the buds though.