Growing inside a Enclosed Trailer in the driveway!!


Active Member
One more thing as well ... something to consider ... you are keeping it anchored in ur driveway. Fine. Now ur driveway may be extremely private, I dunno, but consider how many times each day you are going to be going inside that trailer. 2 times? 3+? Each day? At some point your neighbors will notice the pattern and start to wonder why you keep going into the trailer.

Something to consider.
Thanks for the thoughts, geting in and out of the trailer is diffidently something im stealth about. Once at night is all I do, it's also backed up to the garage door so no one can really see me get in or out as I have a wall blocking veiw. As far as Flir goes Ive never heard aircraft or helis around here so I'm praying that's not an issue... :leaf:


New Member
Well, the way you have described ur entry and times of entry, I think u'll do ok there. I have seen video in the UK of FLIR being used on a house that was a mile away. Pretty sure that house had NO IDEA anyone was looking at them. They have had several incidents of kicking down doors over there to only find a coal heater in the basement. It's only as good as the ppl interpreting the imagery I guess ... :lol:

I see ur in Cali, so U may get a pass there, I dunno. Not so where I am. They do regular grids twice a year.


Active Member
What sup guys! Things are on track no issues to speak of... Right now I'm running a 1000mh and a 400 hps so I'm going to add a 1000w hps cooltube this week for a total of 2400w. I also have 8 42w cfl's = 2736w total.

Here are some pics of the girls starting to flower, day 17. The close ups are purple haze.. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
love this thread!!! the upside down plants are wicked man thats such a random idea but its working and looks cool as fuck lol
keep up the good work bro


New Member
Now ur sure that no one can back up and tow that thing away?? :mrgreen:

Can you imagine waking up to that? I'd be so pissed of course, but at some point it's be funny.


Well-Known Member
well dude i gotta + rep ya for this one man. Thats a pretty sweet setup you got runnin there. Damn slick i see those trailers all over the place and would never have thought hey i bet thats a grow op. lol

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i think you'd be better off with neutralizing the oder with a ona bucket system too many leaks in the trailer


Active Member
I made a stealth cloning box, figured Id hold on to these strains and continue to grow the best of the best.. Sofar they are looking good.. :hump:



Well-Known Member
Those t5s work great don't they?
I have three of those dual bulb setups in my clone box
Excellent growth for such little light


Active Member
i think you'd be better off with neutralizing the oder with a ona bucket system too many leaks in the trailer

Thanks for the sugestion! Ive never heard of the ona bucket so I did a search and found this thread.. nice!

I did read there were some concerns about the smell transferring to the buds? I'm still reading up.. also this is on option

air scrubber


Well-Known Member

Great grow! I am also from Kalifornica and am amazed at your innovations. Now is the perfect time for this sort of grow, before it get's to hot.

Peace - :peace:


Well-Known Member
I would never rely on one of those ona buckets to kill all the smell, that seems like you are asking a lot from that thing
If you aren't going to use a carbon filter I would go with an ozone generator, much better than that ona junk