grow tent with carbon filter. still having odor issues. Help RIU brothers


Well-Known Member
Considering the OP has had 4 years to fix the problem, I don't think any more posts will help.

This is by far one of the oldest necromanced threads I've seen.


New Member
The extractor (fan) is way to weak for your tent. You're want to make sure that the entire air in the tent is filtered around 2-3 times a minute. ex. my tent is 1mx1mx2m. Therefore my extractor can filter around 280M³/hour AKA 4.6M³/minute and it only costed me $60.
I have 3x5x7 tent with 4" 172 CFM and 4" CF running through about 12 feet of duct, CF, cooltube, silencer... and about 540* worth of bends. I don't know how fast the air exchange is, but it works fuckin tits. The sides of my tent are sucked in slightly from negative pressure and there is no odor outside the tent in full bloom.


Well-Known Member
grow tent dont stop made to block light so u can have one for vegging and flowering in the same room.


Well-Known Member
It's a tent, it's going to have leaks. The key is to make sure it has negative pressure.
Randall, the 4" fan may not be strong enough for the filter. Figure your volume (112 sf), you should be blowing that volume of air out a few times every minute, meaning a CFM rating of about 400, AFTER you have taken into account the drop from the filter and any bends in the hose. How big is your intake?
Square feet is not volume.....its area...... :) Which would be fine...if you were trying to figure out floor space? :)

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Seems to me that your extraction is a tad underpowered.

I would be looking at least 5" Carbon filter and at least 250 cfm fan.

You can also contact the manufacturer of the filter with your query, perhaps, it still shouldn’t smell that bad.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
I just have an ozone generator in my room with no carbon filter or exhaust from the room and I have to burry my nose in the plants to smell anything..
What is the power rating of your unit, if you don't mind me asking?


Make sure your sun system reflector is sealed, the odor leak come from the tiny material to fit the glass. i strongly recommend you to tape every possibility of leak!