Greenhouse Plants 1month3weeks


Active Member
:leaf:Hello Everybody !:leaf:

Hey there I live on the westcoast of BC and Im growing 2 plants in a Greenhouse its been about a month and three weeks from when I germinated up till now .

This is a mystery strain... I recieved some seeds from a friend and she didnt know what strain the seeds were so Im assuming that they are a BC strain... I think it might be too early to tell what strain they are . Also probably another week or two weeks and I can find out if they are female !



Active Member
I guess I should also add that the 24 inch plant has a stronger smell than the one that is 19inches.... I took a close look and the smaller plant is starting to grow small pods... im wondering if it is the calyx and if it will open up and start growing hairs (pistils) but Im 75% sure its a male.... The larger plant doesnt have and pods at all.... its just starting to grow the calyxs right now and they look nothing like the smaller plant....


nice healthy plants they look to be on the sativa side good luck, and plus rep


Active Member
Ah I found out the smaller plant was a male ! Tons of Pods ! I had to rip it... im not sure about the other taller one..... suspense is killing me right now..... I got another week until i found out. I will post pics soon


Well-Known Member
Healthy looking plants, man. Bummer about the male. They usually show first though, especially if the plants are the same strain so hopefully you're in the clear...then again the females usually are shorter, so....

But fuck usually, I bet you have a lady! ;)


Active Member
Hey I took a picture this morning ..... This is my plant that was at 24inches and is now at 29 inches.... I took 2 pictures of it... It is still a bit early to tell if she is a female..... calyx's arent big enough to tell and I dont see any hairs yet ! So hopefully soon !



Active Member
well I am 2 months in and shes a lady... standing 42inches tall !!!
I found hairs on the calyxs on each node.. the thing is ... they are the first hairs and they are already orange.....

My other plant I had turned to be a male .... lots of pods so I had to throw him away :wall:

