Glycerine tincture from vaped weed

The Hobbit

Hi Guys

I see a lot of recipes for these glycerine tinctures and am making a couple of tests now.

I made one main batch from 30 grams of Jack Herer top shelf - this one i'm cold extracting just shaking every day for a couple of months - i take it the two months in room temperature will be enough for decarboxylation? (The Jack Herer was cured for a couple of months before too).

My other batch i made from vaped Jack Herer and Black Domina (We use jack during daytime and black for late night before sleeping). I just covered the vaped weed with glycerin and have had it heated up for some hours - also to 40c for some hours etc. for like 5 days only. The tincture is very dark amber brown. I take it the vaped weed must be decaboxylated already so is the 5 days enough for the glycerin to have extracted a good deal of the leftover cannabinoids by now? I tried it, and i weakly feel it when taking 6-8 drops sublingually. So think it's done or should i leave it to extract even further to get the most out of my vaped weed? (I know the leftover cannabinoids will be more sedative than high to me.... just not sure if glycerin is such a weak solulable that it hasn't dissolved most yet?

Thanks for your help - the Jack tincture is already smelling fantastic - can't wait to try that when done :leaf:

The Hobbit

Anyways - seems nobody have input, i'll finish this off with saying that what i did made some brown sweet tincture tasting of full warm hash... spicy. It takes like 15 drops to feel it enough to really feel it. My buddy needs 30 drops to feel mellow. I threw away the left over vaped and tinctured weed.