Getting Seeds


Active Member
Hey all, my first post here... I plan on starting a small 10 plant outdoor grow this may in B.C. I'm using this grow more as a learning experience mostly so I am going to keep the males around and get some more seeds for next year, how would i go about this? do I keep the males close to the Females? also how many seeds would an average plant produce?


Active Member
You probably don't need to worry about the distance between your females and males if you plan on pollinating. Pollen travels better than most people realize.


Well-Known Member
if u want seeds.... just plant your 10 seeds and not worry about the sex... just keep them all healthy and you'll have plenty of seeds....


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the quick replys. About what part of the plants life cycle produce pollen, and i assume that the female plants produce seeds during flowering, correct?


Well-Known Member
wrong. male produce pollen, female produce pistils(aka bud). the pollen catches on these hairs, the pollen is drawn in, and its fertilized... (that pistil) and will create a seed.


Active Member
Thanks alot guys just 2 more questions...

1. After collecting the male pollen when/where do i apply it to the female plants?

2. What is the best method of storing seeds?


Well-Known Member
1. either let them do it naturally outside, or you can take the pollen on a q tip or something and rub it gently on the white 'hairs' on the bud of a female plant.

2. Airtight, cool, dry, dark place.


Well-Known Member
Most likely yes, a single female plant cant produce 1000's of seeds. I hope you're using a good strain and not bagseed. I would plant them, and then when it comes time to sex them, if theres a male, i would pollinate only a FEW or ONE female plant and then pull the males. that way you get your seeds, and some bud.


Well-Known Member
I have in the past got a male took it out of the room and put a plastic bag on it collected the pollen the paint brushed just a few buds with it and got seeds just off the ones I wanted to a happy medium got buds and buds with seeds. It was fun to play doctor with my plant


Well-Known Member
i have read a couple generations, whitch i think is a couple of crops(3-4 months a crop indoors, 1 year for outdoors) idea