Ganja as Medicine


Well-Known Member
Hey All,
I'm in my 40's and have been using cannabis since my youth. Back then it was "experimental" and I was growing my own @ 15. It wasn't until my early thirties, that I began to regard cannabis as a medicine, as it is hard not to see the positive change this plant is responsible for in so many lives. My better half, Cannabis Kitty is always working on new and stealth ways to vape our meds. I personally like the Glow-Stick method of hovering the tip over my bowl. In the Summer time, we like to get out there in nature and take a scope with us to do some "solar-hits" bongsmilieDSCN0009.JPG At home,my wand works nicely for me (:
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Well-Known Member
took me nearly 3000 in trail and error methods but i know how to covert the weed into nice stable BHO not shatter but not wax like crumbs of butter

but u can take that stuff mix it with a certain product turns into ejuice the stuff u put in vapes u see the kids running around
on DHgate if u type in the word bud vape pen or cbd vape pen .......u will see these things that look like Ovape from denver .........u can put the ejuice in that and no one knows what it is alls u have to do is say it CBD oil or it is a regular vape pen

if u get a 1 ml tank by law that is 1 gram (their thinking) so if u are in a decriminalized state this would be something that could be a good option for your daily running around

if u want the info on how to mix private msg me ....takes a good bit of work but the fact i can carry it my pocket and any time i need something i can use it any place