Funny story about an old friend...


So I thought I'd share this story because it's probably my favorite real life story to tell, and because my dear friend who it is about was killed 6 years ago on Cinco De Mayo and me and his family and other friends try to keep his memory alive as much as possible because he was a great dude.

Anyway... Walt and I were out on our bikes and eating at Ruby Tuesday's and met these couple girls who wanted to go ride. We decided to take the girls' car to his apartment so we could all hang out there afterward.

Luckily the girl who wasn't the owner of the car decided to get on the back of my bike, and the other girl followed the 2 bikes in her car to his place.

We get to the entrance of the apartment complex and he decides to ride a little wheelie and when he puts the front end back down, it slides right out from under him because the ground was a little bit wet.

So he lets it go and lands on the ground... he wasn't going very fast so it wasn't a huge deal, and he was wearing gear and a helmet. SO I park my bike quick and run over to him and he's just laying on his back so I go over and open his helmet and he's half laughin and half pissed about his bike.

All of a sudden out of nowhere, this guy runs over and kinda pushes me outta the way and says "Get back guys give him some room... it's gonna be ok, I'm a firefighter"... to which Walt sits up and replies... "Dude, it's cool... I'm not on fire."

Needless to say, it was fucking hilarious.

Feel free to post other similar stories in here... I'm not worrying about it being hijacked... just a good story about a good dude.

10.16.82 - 5.5.04