Fruit Flies a problem?


Active Member
Just wondering if fruit flies would eat the plants. We have a big fan inside the grow room, and my brother did point out the idea that they wouldn't be able to fight the fan power. We don't have hundreds, but a can of food or a beer gets left out over night every so often and we get a few. -_-

What do you think?


Active Member
Make a fruit fly trap with a wine bottle and a sheet of computer paper... they work slicker than puppy shit...


Moderatrix of Journals
fruit flies are generally fairly benign, but the same conditions that breed them will give rise to fungus gnats (which look really similar at first glance). <-these guys lay their eggs in your soil, and the larvae munch on your roots. a good way to tell the difference is that gnats are generally a little bit smaller than fruit flies, and look black compared to fruit flies which are generally reddish brown.


Active Member
Roll the bright white paper into a long skinny cone and put about 2 inches down in bottle neck... it will uncurl but remain a cone.... flies are drawn to wine but cannot figure out how to get out... they will die a fairly quick death... in a day or two...


Moderatrix of Journals
what a great idea^! (i've always been 'small hole in saran wrap' myself, but this is better!)
my MIL told me if you put a couple drops of dishsoap in the wine/vinegar/fruit juice left in the container it coats their wings when they try to drink and they drown quicker so i do that too.


Moderatrix of Journals
i don't think it matters. other stuff that works are wine vinegars, balsamic, sugary liquers, beer, fruit juices (<-although these can mold so you have to change them everyday).


Active Member
I heard about the beer thing, put a small dish out with a little bit o beer in it and the flies will start to come. I did just that and I dont think it attracted anymore flies than the yellow fly strips I was using, but maybe these flies dont like canadian beers ( it was Labatts) maybe I should try some real American beer like Yeungling or something? And personally I would rather drink the wine as opposed to give it some gnats whom I despise, I mean I would rather drown in wine myself and just poison those little fuckers LOL!