Forced to harvest early, suggestions?


Well-Known Member
awesome thread, a lot of good info

i also have 3 plants out (first grow) and they are getting done but the frost is coming/has already been (2-3 nights of frost already)

will they be fine til october? or will frosty nights mold/kill them?
im not sure if it frosts every night or not.


Well-Known Member
it all depends man...does the sun hit them right away?a lotta wind? big plants?how cold will it get?a lotta differnt things to think about..but healthy plants will be fine as long as its frost not freeze,theres a huge difference.frost hit here real light already and my strong plant was fine...some of the the pistils on the other not so strong plant turned purple,can't be GOOD for the plant but how bad it is I will find out one of these lol....


Well-Known Member
i would but if anyone is out looking for plants that thing sticks out like a sore thumb and im not down, gettin ripped will is my ultimate piss off

your in canada too right? im on the eastern side, nights go from between -2 to like 3 celcius, fuckin cold nights...i miss summer already

theres some pics they got a few weeks for sure, gotta start whippin up the mollasses dosage



Well-Known Member
yea i live in ontario,near toronto.I don't think that its got past 3 degrees here yet but i saw a light frost already.This week(sept 22 on..) the lowest temp at night is SUPPOSED TO BE 7 celeuis.yea i have the luxury of not worrying about much although now that i have that box i am a little more worried heh heh...i keep hearing about the mollasses, care to shine some light on the subject for me if you've done it before?!and BTW I see real purple stalks on your plants,i've got that too its cause of the cold I'm pretty sure...nice lookin buds though man...



Well-Known Member
well im no scientist but mollasses has a bunch of sugars which are apparently somewhat beneficial to your plant but the main reason im using it is because it is a good source of K (potassium)
Im gonna be adding 2-3 tablespoons per 2L bottle from now on


Well-Known Member
i think the mollases would help my plants for sure, just mix the molasses with some hot water and throw it into the shit I already put on my plants...i'm assuming this is correct,hard to find good info about this....


Well-Known Member
i think the mollases would help my plants for sure, just mix the molasses with some hot water and throw it into the shit I already put on my plants...i'm assuming this is correct,hard to find good info about this....
hey sjerpsy
that mollassa is great
1 to 2 tlbspn per gallon
i am just up the road from you couple hrs north of toroto
we had little frost here too
cool today 14 good this week
i have had problems with powdery mildew this year
other years bud rot


Well-Known Member
haha well i am actually about an hour NORTH of toronto...if your that close you must know where barrie is...its about 15 mins to barrie and about 10mins to wasaga beach from where i live :) wasaga is amazing every summer LOL....gonna look at the local IGA and phamacy stores should be able to find it there tomorrow hopefully!?


Well-Known Member
How did people see you? Sounds like a good story
someone across the street turned on their flood lights to take out the garbage and I was tending to my plant.

Im just going to add molases to my plant by eye every other day until i cut it and be happy with what I get :)