First Snow in T.O. And The Outdoor Grows On!


Well-Known Member
so today we had our first flurry of the year here in toronto. normally this wouldn't really be a problem, and suprisingly, it still doesn't appear to be. the temp inside the vapor barrier cold frame i tossed up around my late bloomer was at a solid 10°C today, despite the -2°C temps! and the outdoor plant i thought would never flower gets one step closer to a proper harvest. i fully didn't expect to the see much happen with this plant. she began flowering a good two months after the others, was flattened and lost 2 large branches to a falling branch and was frozen once in mid flower before i got some plastic around it.

feel free to discuss any methods anybody uses to prolong the inevitable effects cold weather on plant growth. in addition to my plastic shelter, i put down a couple inches of mulch and water before frosts to keep the roots from freezing.

rep to anybody else out there who didn't give up on the plant that refuses to finish! i'll toss up some pics of her tomorrow morning when the sun rises.

