first monster plant soil help

im growing my first monster plant in a 200 gal prune pot and i found a local organic soil and compost place and im going to get everything from them and mix the soil and compost 50/50 i was going to leave it at that and just plant and grow but im not sure do i need to add anything else ? cal mabe? lime? epsom salts? just to throw it in there the compst is made from fruits, vegitables, trees, shrubs, ect.


Active Member
If you want to experiment with soil recipes knock yourself out bro, If you want to use something that you know will work then I would suggest using 50/50 VermiSoil on top and VermiFire on bottom as a cheaper route. Or what I use is sub's supersoil that you would have to mix up yourself. Here's the recipe to sub's supersoil and a link to his revised soil recipe.

8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil with coco and Mycorrhizae
25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
5 lbs. of Blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs. Bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
¾ cup Epsom salt
1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
½ cup Azomite ( Trace element)
2 Tbs. powdered Humic acid
*** If using an RO system add in 1/2 cup powdered Cal/mag

Don't get me wrong you can grow some bomb herb with compost made from scratch and some cheaper potting soil. You would have to amend the soil plenty though or feed with compost teas/ water soluble nutes to give the plant the nutrients it needs. I prefer mixing my own soil because you pretty much make a buffet of food for the plant so you only need to water and not have to deal with mixing water soluble nutes or making teas.

Also I would put the lighter soil on top and the hotter soil on bottom to prepare the plant's root system for a hotter soil. Instead of mixing it all up.

hope this helps somewhat.
how much does it cost you to mix the super soil recipie? and will that one mix fill 100 gallons?im going to be planting a 4 foot tall 4 foot round chocolope straight into the pot. so would i need to mix some worm castings er something in the top half until the roots hit the super soil? and if i mix it in this large of an ammount do you think the nutes will last from the first week of may till harvest?


Active Member
I made half of a batch and that is 50-55 gallons. Cost me about $130 and I still have half of the ammendments left over. So a full batch probably $170 for 100-110 gallons of soil. I would just put 75-100 gallons of supersoil and use vermifire as a base soil since your plant has a stable root system I am assuming. If not you could just use roots as a base soil. With the vermifire i doubt that your plant would fade. I would leave room in the pot for top dressing if needed.

Cant say that it will cost the same as wr live in different areas, shouldn't be a drastic change in price.

Just scraped up my receipt and it cost me $121.83 for half a batch. Only need to buy 4 more bags of roots for another batch. :mrgreen:

Never seen anyone grow in a 200 gallon pot btw, only 100 gallons.
Mixing up a 200 gallon pot of a "super soil" type mix is gonna cost an arm and a leg. Using that lightly amended compost and soil, as long as the compost is a biodynamic type compost and the soil isn't just straight top soil you should have a good mix that you only need to add a few things to IMO. Basically your creating a good GARDEN soil that could grow any plant well, because after all, cannabis is just a plant.

Adding stuff like some lime or kelp meal would be beneficial. Rock dusts would be an essential in my opinion, but you can do without all the same. I would rather spend my money on rock dust and good compost than a bunch of different amendments and "high quality potting soil."
yea that's what i figured being in southern California doesn't help ether lol . i was thinking of using worm castings, bone meal, lime, compost manure and powdered cal/mag that sound about right? ive always grown with chemical nutes ive done one organic tea grow and that's it but ive never mixed my own soil
Man screw that do 50 5 gallon plants you got 20x the yield;)
yea i know but i want to get into growing monster plants so i can fill my 99 up with monsters that are going to yield 8 pounds when i get my soil down pat and ill be completely legal still staying within my 99 plant limit producing almost 800 pounds of flower


Active Member
I'd go something along these lines:

45 CU Ft Base Soil (I wouldn't go too crazy over this part, this will be what you can experiment with but any potting soil with organic matter / feed in it will work fine)
5 Cu FT Chicken Manure (if your base soil has chicken manure in it you can go a little less on this)
5 Cu Ft Perlite
5 Cu FT Earth Worm Castings
50 Lb Bag Steamed Bone Meal
1/2 Cu. Ft Gypsum

This mix will take care of 2 monsters for you... tom hill used black gold potting mix and a similar recipe and was getting monsters bigger than you're talking about over a decade ago