Finally A Reply


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your email. As you may be aware, I have been appointed to lead a House workgroup on Michigan's Medical Marihuana Act. I appreciate knowing your concerns, and can assure you that while I review the act, I will do so with patients and care givers at the forefront of my mind. In my opinion, the act needs some clarification to protect the rights of care givers and patients, to give further direction to law enforcement, and to ensure that we are upholding the provisions that were passed by the voters.

Again, I appreciate having your thoughts, and will keep your position in mind in the days and weeks ahead.


Kenneth B. Horn
State Representative
94th District


Well-Known Member
i don't understand-

how they think people are such idiots they didn't know what they were voting for.

maybe most that voted yes were really saying make it like it says, it will be almost legal, and that's what we want.


Active Member
People and reps keep forgetting that the bill of rights restricts government not its citizens. Whatever is not specifically addressed goes to the states. If its not specifically addressed, then it is assumed to be legal.

You want to know why there is social unrest and anxiety? It's because of the abridgement of freedoms purpetrated on us by our own government. Every law the government makes is an abridgement on our freedoms.