FFOF....Am i fucked?


Well-Known Member
Washington State, medical grower, FFoF user for nearly 4 years.

Never had a problem with the soil at all.

I did develop a fungus gnat problem, but I am fairly certain that it was not due to the soil, as the plants were transplanted at the beginning of flower and the gnats didn't show up until week six.

From my research, larvae doesn't take nearly that long to form.

Either way, I am still using it today - no gnats.


Well-Known Member
when i use ocean forest i mix 50/50 with coco coir.. i do that because every now and then they have a few hot batches..and everything gets burned after transplant.


Roots Organics 707 is meant for outdoor gorilla crops. Hence 707 bein the area code for humbolt aka outdoor capital of the world. This info comes straight from a friend that works at roots mixing plant.. Thats why they say u can just plant straight in the bag and it is camo.lol. My recent exp. with roots is that it has to high of water retention even when mixed with 30-40% perilite. I switched to roots and had fungus nats so bad. There was larvae in the all the bags. I would rec 2 to 1 o.f. L.w . . If you get roots 707 u get free bugs..


Well-Known Member
I am using FF OF with great luck so far. Had nute lock out from My super soil so I went to the FF OF and everything got back to normale after a week or so


Well-Known Member
FFOF makes for a better ingredient for a soil mix, than it does as a stand-alone soil. Any soil can come with fungus gnats, it just depends on where you are getting it from, shipping, etc.

The best way to solve this problem is to buy predatory nematodes in advance. You can find them online for <$20, they come in suspended animation and last for months. Even if your soil doesn't come contaminated, if you grow in soil long enough, you will get some fungus gnats. Either way, you can be covered for a minimal investment.
Good advice I use nematodes they NOM- NOM on all the gnat larvae and you can catch the adults with sticky pads.