Favorite strains for making bubble hash?


Well-Known Member
anything that's pretty frosty. You wanna use all bags. 200, 190, 160, 120, 90, 73, 45. Sometimes 25.

don't chop early


Active Member
Love purp strains... and anything with tiny crystals...I always use the 25u...and choose between 3-5 bags depending on what I have, and what I want. 160 work bag, usually the 90-then either the 73 or the 45 depending on what I want to see in the both that and the 25. You know what you like to smoke and learn how you want to approach different kinds of herb differently each run depending on what you start with. Iv also had interesting color when mixing strains with very dissimilar crystal structures. Once mixed some frost GDP w/nothing but tiny frost, and good'ol chemical dog and got 2 very distinctly opposite colors from one run.

Hash coins...TPB...ha...