Extraction contraption to shatter?


I'm in Colorado, pull down 15 plants at a time (10-12lbs) and I've always subbed out my blasting. So I do not know how to bho and I will buy a pump and oven.

I'm looking into making shatter myself, legally. Since blasting is now illegal, I'd like a safer option.

What's your thoughts on the extraction contraption, using 190 proof to dewax and then purge to shatter. Of course I want to get to room temp stable, shatter that shatters.

Thoughts and suggestions to get me there would be awesome.

I've been reading about winterization, and that sounds promising but I'm honestly not 100% on which direction to go in order to get shatter at the end.

Thanks guys, I hope some of you enjoy putting some thought into how to make this work.