Entrepreneurial Spirit

Master Kush

Well-Known Member
As we all know you want money, you want lots of money, I understand. Now, take for instance Cocaine. It has a 1000% mark up rate. It takes pennies to make, and sells for an enormous profit. You'd probably drown in the money you'd be making. Now where I live it's about 10K-16K a kilo (1000grams) each gram can sell for $80 - $120, sure it takes a while to sell it all, but it would make you quite a profit, especially with addicts they'll do anything for a fix, which leads me to security protection, nothing like a Kevlar vest can't solve they go for around $3000 and maybe you can buy a .45 Cal. I suggest this weapon because it penetrates through car doors unlike the 9mm. That's my take on money making enjoy yourself. This was purely made for informational purposes ;)


Well-Known Member
kevlar vest wont stop you from getting stabbed. or shot in the head.or getting arrested 9 mm shoot through car windows just fine. putting up with coke heads is so annoying. you couldnt pay me enough money to sell coke .


Active Member
I sold Coke for a lil while when i was young ... was a dumb move. Before you know it i was doing just as much as i was selling .. again i was young and dumb.

Can't go wrong with weed! Mary Jane will always be there for you and man is she a good fuck! ;)