Electrical/Workworking Help With Scrub's Cabinet Please


Active Member
Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

I'm attempting to copy Scrub's cabinet to use for flowering, with directions found here: https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=563 (along with handy dandy pictures) and am having a bit of trouble understanding the directions for building the cabinet. I really like the modular design though, and understand that there are two modules, one sitting above the main chamber and providing ventilation/power management and one sitting below the main chamber providing passive intake.
Later in the guide a carbon filter is added, although I don't quite understand how the top chamber is reworked.

I understand that there are:
3" diam black piping used for creating the light traps
6 ea 3/4" panels of plywood at 84" x 48"
a fan
bolts and screws
and hinges

and this seems simple enough, the six plywood sheets are cut up into the proper lengths to construct 3 boxes, but I don't quite see how they fit together.

what I don't understand is what the
8 ea 1x2 8' long
and 4 linear ft 1" x 4"
are for. From the picture, I can't figure out where they go or what they're for.
Do these have something to do with the "Side" and "Back & Doors" views?

I basically want to implement this design with a 400W HID (http://htgsupply.com/growlights.asp?categoryID=1&subcategoryID=155&typeID=55) , a Rubbermaid DWC, a 6" inline Fan connected at the top (much like Scrub's bathroom fan) @ 250 CFM (http://htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=46447) connected to some 6" or 4" ducting, (I'd love to hear some comments on the merits of both, regarding pressure for the carbon scrubber, etc), utilizing a carbon filter.

One problem I'm concerned about is how I can route the power from my ballast to my lamp when the cable between them doesn't unplug. Is there a problem created by this or am I missing something?

Parts I already have:
*400W HID/ballast
*6" Inline fan linked to above.
*6 50 CFM 80mm Computer Fans and a modded Power Supply connected to a toggle to turn on PSU without motherboard signal for powering fans.

Oh and the "dado" mentioned in the cabinet door, how do you cut that?

I'm a tad bit concerned I may not understand cabinet building enough to do this, but I think I may be overthinking this.

If someone could give me an idea of how this cabinet fits together, I'd really appreciate it.
