Edible Business


Active Member
This is out of pure curiosity, so please excusee my ignorance if this is against any forum rules and, please, if I am breaking the rules then delete this thread, I won't mind :weed:

Anyway, was talking with a buddy a while back about a possible opportunity to be selling edibles to dispensaries in different states, even though my state does not yet allow dispensaries and (obviously) selling medical marijuana (outside of donating.) Being that selling it isn't yet legal in my state, would I be able to sell to states that are legal?

Again if talking about selling like this is against the rules then delete my ass :clap: and any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Edibles are always tempting, but I'd shy away. Although it seems like a great way to make money, there really isn't a huge market for it. At least, not where I am. People would rather float for a couple hours than that drowsy feeling you get for 8 hours from edibles. Just my 2 cents though.


Well-Known Member
you cant sell to other states...its traficking across state boarders which is a whole new brand of shit your asking to get into with the feds


Active Member
just to entertain your idea...

its not legal for you to come from a non-medical state with any mj and attempt to sell it to a club in another state...unless of course...you get a card in that state...you'd still have to move it over the boarder safely though but since you're talking edibles it IS possible.

how? get a decent van (or rent a cargo van) and slap one of those magnetic logos on the side that says something like, "kens bakery" or what have you...theres still a chance you could get pinched but considering its edibles you have a chance as its not like the edibles will reak of mj lol.

its definitely sketchy but i guarantee you have a better chance doing it through edibles than you do by simply moving actual mj across state lines.


Active Member
just to entertain your idea...

its not legal for you to come from a non-medical state with any mj and attempt to sell it to a club in another state...unless of course...you get a card in that state...you'd still have to move it over the boarder safely though but since you're talking edibles it IS possible.

how? get a decent van (or rent a cargo van) and slap one of those magnetic logos on the side that says something like, "kens bakery" or what have you...theres still a chance you could get pinched but considering its edibles you have a chance as its not like the edibles will reak of mj lol.

its definitely sketchy but i guarantee you have a better chance doing it through edibles than you do by simply moving actual mj across state lines.
respectfully, that is not a "how to"...

unless you are james bond cool, have extra plates, can falsify vin numbers, can make sure a passive gps tracker is not on your vehicle(s) EVERY time you make a run, don't attract attention to yourself your business your neighbors forever, that "how to" is a recipe for spending plenty of time in federal aka 'pound me in the a--' prison...

don't do it...

if you live in a non-mmj state; make it into one, or move to somewhere you can do it without having to go to jail forever because of political propaganda with no basis in science...

you MAY get away with it a time or two, but as far as a legit business model you'd have better luck taking your startup capital to the corner store and getting scratch tickets or playing bingo or the horses with it...

only this way you're gambling with your life and the lives of others...


Active Member
respectfully, that is not a "how to"...

unless you are james bond cool, have extra plates, can falsify vin numbers, can make sure a passive gps tracker is not on your vehicle(s) EVERY time you make a run, don't attract attention to yourself your business your neighbors forever, that "how to" is a recipe for spending plenty of time in federal aka 'pound me in the a--' prison...

don't do it...

if you live in a non-mmj state; make it into one, or move to somewhere you can do it without having to go to jail forever because of political propaganda with no basis in science...

you MAY get away with it a time or two, but as far as a legit business model you'd have better luck taking your startup capital to the corner store and getting scratch tickets or playing bingo or the horses with it...

only this way you're gambling with your life and the lives of others...
im not telling him exactly how to do it i was just giving ideas. i dont think its james bond status because you rent a cargo van and put a logo on the side of it..many people do that for legit businesses everyday.

i personally wouldnt try to take edibles out of state unless it was one medical state to another and i had proper paperwork for both states...im just saying its possible as cops usually are looking for mj in bud form...rarely do they bust people for edibles or if the bud is hidden inside something edible.


Active Member
Regardless of whether or not you can do it, its really really really stupid to. Move to a medical state or wait for yours to go medical. Even when you're in a state that supports mmj you're still at risk of drawing federal attention and you still have to adhere to strict guidelines to maintain legitimacy. This is a business where you need to dot every I and cross every t perfectly or you open yourself up to some very bad punishments.

If moving isn't an option, id recommend working on recipes and such while you wait for your state to jump on the bandwagon (they all will eventually, if not im sure a federal law will come along eventually)

While some people claim the edible market isn't all that great its a lie. The problem with the edible business is that you need to be able to maintain consistency and various levels of potency. Keep in mind a lot of patients cant smoke or choose not to, and if you can produce edibles that taste good, give a consistent dosage (so one brownie doesn't get you retarded high and the next barely does anything) and also make your edibles in varied potencies so that people of all tolerance levels will be able to enjoy them. That's how you succeed in that market.
You also want to have very detailed recipes. You'll need to have ingredient lists in order to be sold in most dispensaries. You would also benefit greatly from making organic products and making glueten free and other health varieties. Also vary your flavors. Not everyone likes brownies, ive seen gelato, lollipops, jolly ranchers, cupcakes and so on.

Good luck with your ventures


Active Member
Thanks for the advice guys, while it's medically legal here distribution such as dispensaries are not legal yet (besides places that take donations). So was wondering about sending to other medical states, but for some odd reason didn't think about the whole crossing borders thing (too high probably haha)