Ecolux lights


Active Member
got two dro seeds out of an ounce of dro....going to grow them....just need some one to check my lights..also what if i put two different seeds in the same pot..ex ...a dro seed with some mids...?????

1 48" tube floresnent ecolux:plant & aquarium(wide spectrum light)-1900 lumens--

1 48' tube floresnent ecolux: sunshine(full spectrum)2250 lumens--

1 edison halogen 150- 2430 lumens

set-up is in a closet

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
hi dont wanna use the halogen light they give off WAY to much heat and i think there in the wrong spectrum for growing anyway ,the other two sound ok for now but im not sure exactly what spectrum there in .you want 6400k for vegging and 2700k for flowering ,your gonna need better light than that though once you start to flower if you want a decent yeild .
check out the stikkys on this site they explain which lights are best in a lot more detail than i can be botherd to type lol. good luck .

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
and i wouldnt recomend putting two plants in one pot ,you could end up having problems if one turns out male and you need to seperate them ,stick to one plant per pot .


im using 2 of the 48 inch ecolux bulbs and 1 24 inch wich got me to about 2 feet and the 48s got me started flowering now i have all 3 plus and outdoor red spotlight they are pretty nice.. im thinking about maybe after this plant is done and i get my lowryders getting 4 48 inchs and having them run viertically on 2 sides


Active Member
I was using ecolux lights and then a friend turned me onto t-5's and I would never argue again. The t-5's are IMO the best fluorescents I have seen for growing. Made my ecolux plants look like sprouts when compared to the growth he was pulling with them. I slowly learned the cheaper you try to go in the beginning the more money you spend in the end. I go with the better stuff now from the get go so I dont have to replace it further down anyway. Halogens are a no-no, but the ecolux's will work, just not near where you could be with much better comparably priced set-ups