Ec question


Well-Known Member
this is my first hydro grow,im using a ebb and flow table and clay pellets,i need some help i set the EC of the solution at 0.5 at first then after about 3 days it went to 0.8,the reservoir is about 100 gallons and the table 1m x 2m,i cleaned the pellets with plain water about 3 flushes but it seems that wasnt enough now the rise is probably from them.will this hurt my plants do i have to dilute the solution or do the plants recognize nutes from this dust residue of the clay


Well-Known Member
Did you rinse the hydroton off before putting in the system or while it was in system?
3 times before i put it in but still i could see residue coming from it when the table floods and drains,is this rise gonna burn my plants just the same as if i added nutes


Well-Known Member
That dust is going to mess up the pH too
I would switch out your rez with fresh pHed water and nutes
Next time you buy hydroton make sure you rinse it outside of the system for 15 minutes.
That will ensure that there will be no dust