Dutch Fertilizer for the flowering stage!!! High P2O5 + high K!!!


Active Member
Well guys. One of my plants (outdoor, balcony) ist in the first week of flowering. So here is the question about the nutes, or even to compere the 2 dutch fertilizer, I got- Cristalon Yellow and Cristalon Brown. The manifacturer is calld "Nu3 BV" from Roterdam.
The Cristalon Yellow (CY), as it's written, is: 13:40:13 of witch:

N- 13.0% of witch 4.4% nitrat- and 8.6% amonium N
P2O5- 40.0%
K2O- 13.0%
+ Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, B + molibden

it's also said that the fertilizer is for vegetativ stage for starters. I do think , it'll be perfect for flowering, couse of the 40.0% P2O5 and the low, but available N.

The Cristalon Brown (CB) it's a: 3:11:38:4 formula

N- 3.0% of wich 3.0% nitrats
P2O5- 11.0%
K2O- 38.0%
Mg- 4.0%
+ Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, B + molibden

it's said, thath the fertilizer is for "the final phase, accelerate flowering and the allaround quality of the fruit( color, mass ......)"

So I think to start with 1g CY per week for the first two weeks, after that 3g CY per week for the next 4 weeks, + I'll start with a gram of CB in week 4, 2g in w5 and 3g in w6.... or a litle bit less.

So if anyone have sugestion or question, pls let me know...:-|, I dont want to burn them afterall.
The strains I'm taking care of are some K.C.'s. Link to pics:


mr west

Well-Known Member
yo just noticed ur from BG, one of the other users is from BG too cheetah2007 he a friendly chap. Yeah banksy is cool


Well-Known Member
в България ли живееш? Мога да ти препоръчам какво да си купиш.


Active Member
Уау... супер си! Гледам имаш и опит, а на мен ми е 1ва реколта...:-|


Active Member
Значи заклах един хермафродит преди седмица. Той беше 100% без тор в цъфтежа, но късаше глави. Мога само да си представя как щеше да е, ако го бях натъпкал с фосфор, а за женските не ми се мисли...bongsmilie

mr west

Well-Known Member
i wonder wot the mods will make of this as they wont know if any rules are being broken lol.


Active Member
Да в БГ съм. Глеадм ги на терасата ми. Във вегетативния стадий бяха с нитратния МАСТЪРБЛЕНД, а сега намерих тези холандските...
Дали да не вкл на английски, макар че не ми е чва сила... :)


Well-Known Member
Ами аз си купувам едни течни торове, които съм изпитал и работят! В Billa ги открих. 20-20-20 за вегетативния растеж и 9-45-15 за цъфтеж! Но!! този за цъфтеж го използвам на 1/3 сила хехехехе... за цъфтеж се казва стимулатор за корени а др не помна как точно...един момент да видя една снимка и ще я поустна тук.


Active Member
Yo man! That was the last thing i wrote.... :) sorry, no morre of it!!!
I think it's the joy finding a landsmate :)


Active Member
YeaH, sorry as I said somewhere english is not my 1st language... so it should be understand from the german "landsman"..... enough philologie! :-?

Can someone comment on the part with CB and the high K2O formula!!??????

Cheetah2007, I'd prefer to ask you some questions in bulgarian, can you give a mail or skype here: [email protected] 10x :)

And for you guys, sorry for the un-understandeble writings above!