Durga Mata and Bhang


Well-Known Member
well im growen some durga mata from paradise seeds, and i have been reading alot about shiva and 5000 year old rituals with cannabis and preparation of bhang

i have l8ly become interested in ancient civilizations and the knowledge thay had, wich has lead me to i guess what u could call "shamanism with cannabis"

anyway i just wanted to share my plan cuz im excited about it, i will post the results of my "trip" after my grow is done and i try it (6 more weeks)

i was gana make some green dragon with a heavy amount of cannabis and a small amount of cafiene to counter the sleepyness,

but then i read about the strain im growing durga mata wich meens mother godess, named after Shiva herself, the genitics come from india wich is were the roots of the ritualistic drink Bhang, made for the godess shiva origenated

when i found this out i decided to scrap the green dragon plan and make an authentic Bhang (using ghee not butter, and posibly goat milk not cows)

so i got the best strain (speaking for authenticity) and i will keep looking for the oldest bhang recipe i can find.

the result will be a strong bhang keeping to 5000 year old tradition, i plan to look up what kind of meditation and everything and try to recreate what thay did all that time ago, and perhaps come out of this with some great knowledge and understanding

so if anyone knows any link or info that shed any light on the ancient bhang drinking rituals plz post them

a change has happend in me, and i no longer use cannabis for fun, it is now a tool for learning and understanding. and i feel that cannabis prohibition is a direct violation of my freedom of religen!!!!!!!!!!!!