does this look like acid to you


New Member
acid i get turns neon green under black light and it comes on paper
i think you should rule out blacklight as a test~too many things show things like urine, ringworm, scorpions and sperm just off the top of my head.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
i think you should rule out blacklight as a test~too many things show things like urine, ringworm, scorpions and sperm just off the top of my head.
You have a good point, but on the contrary, I think it should always be done.

Many things do fluoresce (won't argue, I fully agree lots of substances could be present).

My side:
If you do a black light test and it DOES NOT fluoresce, you have research chems. You now know 100% it IS NOT LSD.


New Member
You have a good point, but on the contrary, I think it should always be done.

Many things do fluoresce (won't argue, I fully agree lots of substances could be present).

My side:
If you do a black light test and it DOES NOT fluoresce, you have research chems. You now know 100% it IS NOT LSD.
very true, you can test for it looks cool as shit when you're trippin :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Dude there is no way to tell if that is a dose or not. It is clear. There is only one way to find out you know. Be in the right atmosphere around people you know and trust or else you're going to have a bad trip more than likely. If that happens sit in front of a tv on a couch where you know you are safe.

I havn't seen paper doses in a long time, or any acid for a long time since Jerry passed on but use to get the liquid in viles directly from the source. Nice and clean trip. I'd put a dose or two on a peanut butter sandwich. :hump:


You arent gonna be able to tell, its just a piece of paper. Put it under your tongue and find out what is is within the hour.;-)
short, sweet, and to the point. thats the way to go:hug:


Well-Known Member
Fuck acid stick to da herb well i wish i can say that took one of my gfs oxicotonin toady 5 mg only cause im waiting for my buds to dry and have no weed