Does this look healthy?


Well-Known Member
The PH is 6.5, I don't know what ppm means

"I read on here that I should start giving them nutes at 2 weeks, but I have 2 other plants, one is four days apart from the 11 day old, but the other one is about 7 days apart! Em I screwed? Should I transplant the younger one to soil?" ???????


Well-Known Member
You dont have a TDS meter?
Its cheap and it measures EC and converts it to a read out in PPM(parts per million)

For now if no nutes are in there add 1Ml to every Gallon From the get go,(start)

YOU read wrong, read my DIY thread in link. it should clear up some stuff.

Always use Nutes.


Well-Known Member
Oh I don't have a TDS meter. But I added 1/4 strength grow nutes. I have the liquid grow nutes that come in the aerogarden and floranova bloom for budding
its ph you need to get a meter and down. hydro plants like ther ph lower than soil. 6.5 is great FOR SOIL. Hydro you ph should be at 5.8 to 6.5 it obvius that 6.5 is to high that strain. drop to 6 and it will shoot. Now that you have added nutes the ph will flucuate. so do what you got to but get it down the plant is more acid loving than alkiline.


Well-Known Member
Yea, i think they look good! Ease into the nuters, be patient, follow the schedules, you'll be fine.