Does Liquid karma work? (post test results here). Controlled experiments only.


Well-Known Member
(btw did i post in the wrong section? Wish there was a product review section)

I was going to pick up a bottle of this for stinkbud's aero formula but that project is on hold for the moment.

I obtained a free sample 8oz bottle of Liquid Karma, and tested it out.

16 seeds of the same unknown strain.
-All receive unchlorinated water.
-All were planted an inch deep in FoxFarm Ocean Forest in seperate Fibergrow Pots.

4 days later

-6 that were given superthrive (1 broke the surface)
-3 that were given Rooter's Mycorrizhae (1 broke the surface)
-3 that were given straight water (1 broke the surface)
-4 that were given Liquid Karma (3 have broke the surface, and are much farther along than the other sprouts. They have an inch of stem compared to the others that have just barely broken the surface).

So yea.. pretty interesting so far.. I wonder if it will continue to speed growth through the whole veg cycle.

:???: I think every product listed in this part of the forum should be tested by means of control so we will know if there is any value to the product. Though with Superthrive and Mycorr I'm not sure how to test because they are more for plant vigor than speeding of growth.

edit: I guess for round 2 I'll give liquid karma to the new plants that broke the surface and see if they catch up.


Active Member
interesting.. i was going to add this to my next grow & just to see how it helped with the seedlings makes me have to have it now..


Well-Known Member
i'm pretty sure the control is the ones with just tap water.... interesting that your choice was liquid karma. there's plenty of sites that tell what it has and tons of them are known to be bennificial (B vitamins, amino acids, kelp extract, fulvic acids, humic acids, simple carbohydrates, their own blend of compost tea, and i'm sure i'm forgetting at least one thing. something that does need to be tested is Advanced Nutrients Bud Factor X. there is not one place that will tell you what it actually is.