Does brand REALLY matter?


There are a million nutrients out there with double that on opinions of which ones to use or are "the best". I am just wondering if it makes that BIG of a difference. I am starting my 3rd hydro grow. My first was just a run with dirt seeds someone gave me, I learned alot but the smoke was not potent(so I was told) and I just wanted to learn the system and see if I could do it. I have a green thumb a d have always been able to grow anything! My second grow was good, a friend of a friend of a friend gave me 6 seeds he had gotten out of hydro he smoked. I got 2 plants and they were amazing! I gave the guy the biggest buds off the plants and he said it was the best he had smoked around here in years. Don't know what strain they were but one of them I harvested most and now taking her back to veg to see if I can save her and clone. She has been back to veg for 2 weeks now and looking good. Don't know if it will work but worth a try.
Back to my question, I used ENVY 2 part nutes for both grows, I didn't use any other supplements or enhancers. I have gotten my seeds and ordered the technaflora secret for success starter kit with 10 different things in it. Do all the extras really
make that big of difference? With the 2 part Envy I got over 2 oz off each plant dried. The buds could have been a little bigger from the pics I've compared them to on this forum but I didn't trim as much as I should have. I use an ebb and flow system with a 600 w HPS. I only paid $20 for the Envy nutes and they lasted the 2 grows.
I just wanted some opinions to see if all the extras are really worth the extra money, give higher yields, bigger buds and better high.
Just FYI, I have only smoked one time and that was this last grow I did. It was way too much for me and I couldn't move for hours. I ordered a few sativa seeds and hope they give me a different high where I can actual move, lol... I traded a guy 2 paintball guns for the hydro system and I love it! I stay at home and take care of the house, all my plants and animals while my husband works. My father had cancer and that's why I started growing. Please add me as a friend and any advice is greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
It all depends on the grower and what nutrients work best for them. I have a bunch of grows under my belt and have tried 4 different nutrient makers and have had the best results with the BC Grow, BC Boost, and BC Bloom. I did 3 grows just using those three nutrients and noticed at the end of the grows my tricombes weren't that great and there was a lot more discoloration on my plants then starting adding Magical to the mix and noticed instant results. Never had any discoloration and plants look healthier than they have ever looked ( it deff helps with the normal deficiencies and prevents the more common ones from happening i.e magnesium and calcium) and for flowering I add Sugar Daddy to the mix and the crystal production is phenomenal. I supply to a couple of dispensaries and its some of the best weed they have seen. I would totally reccomend using all five in your grows. I tried using GH (general Hydroponics) brand and that stuff is very unforgiving, just a tad too much and you have major burning on your plants that stuff really hasn't worked for me, But i have seen some incredible grows with that stuff. So it all comes down to what works for you :weed: That starter kit by technaflora has some good stuff, some of the nutrients in the kit i really didnt care for (really made my room have a bad smell) GL with your grow.


Well-Known Member
attached pics was grown with Jack's Classic, regular nute from a regular nursery cost $5 with only 97 watts of light and yielded 47.2 grams dry

if you have a green thumb why buy into the hype,,,,and yes Jack's makes a hydro nute



Thanks motoracer110, I appreciate the info. I think I will use the whole kit exactly as directed and see what the results are. 9 bottles just seem a little extreme, lol...but if it works!!! Do you use everything as directed or do you dilute it? I have read some people dilute it and use only half as recommended on directions?

Thanks riddleme for sharing the pics, very nice!!!! Unfortunately, I'm always a sucker for hype, I have a topsy turvy hanging on my
Porch and considering hanging in from the ceiling
In my grow room just to try it, lol....

Can y'all suggest a strain to get for a very novice smoker? Something not too strong with a high where I can still be somewhat productive?


Well-Known Member
yes its always better to go less than recommended for the nutrients, burning a plant really sets back a grow so better be safe and get a feel for everything. i use a gauge i bought on ebay for like$25 that shows PPM and its an excellent investment if u can get one, also a ph meter is a great tool as well. two easy strains to grow with good results are any skunk strain or big bud. my very first grow was red hair skunk and looking back i abused that plant because i really didnt know what i was doing and it still turned out great. Big Bud will get u a lot of weed to smoke if u want that rout and its very forgiving :-)


Well-Known Member
Brand doesn't matter as much as what is actually in the fertilizer. Check out this link:

These are the macro and micro nutrients that your plants need. If your nute line is supplying them in good ratios, then you have a good nutrient line. I'm currently testing Dyna-Gro but that won't help you now as the ladies are only on day 3 I think? The Dyna-Gro products I'm using supply 16 of the 17 essential nutrients and they're made for hydro too. I have no experience with envy but take a look at that link and check out how many minerals your nute line is supplying.