Diy Vinigar/BakingSoda Co2 Pics!


Active Member
I've been trying to find a way to introduce Co2 Into my setup other than some crazy expensive Co2 Generator that could possibly kill me.. ect ect..

So i heard that Baking Soda and Vinegar used together produce Co2, but if used "Like you did when a kid.. to make an explosion" You only get a small burst of Co2..

I read that with a drip system of about 1 Drop of V/second into a Cup/Pan of B. Soda will work..

So i make this little set up.. and im wondering if its just a waste of time or could this add a little Co2 into my room..??



Well-Known Member
I been using sugar, champagne yeast and a yeast nutrient in a gallon jug with a home brew bubbler on top. Lets the gas out but no air in. Not that any is likely to get in when its working. Supposedly pure sugar water and yeast do not play well with the yeast. The yeast nutrient helps turn the water into wine. I drank some of it. Its purty good.


Active Member
Go the easy way dude,
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Fire Extinguishers

Right now money is an issue for me big time.. Thats why im using the V/B set up..

Does anyone else have any "Know How" if this even works? (For the Vinegar / Bsoda?)


New Member
To be honest, i just would not bother, its never going to act like some kind of turbo booster, ive never really botherd with co2, my plants are always healthy and most results are good, if your plant/plants are getting good light, good feeding routing and are happy youl be fine, youl get the same as the rest of us, good smokeable earb, you always get back what you put in, you have to keep in mind they are ''WEEDS'' best of luck to you.


Well-Known Member
I have this theory that since the ambient air has more Co2 in it at night than in the day time that lights should be ran at night as much as practical. Helps on the heat too if your growing in summer or Death Valley, Ecuador etc. Wasn't I a smarty pants to think of all that?