Democrat drops out of race due to something that doesnt happen according to Dems.


Well-Known Member
The 24th amendment says anything about identification?

Voting is a right. this right does not come with a requirement to pay and it does not come with a test to see if the voter really really wants to vote, and wants to vote enough so that the person jumps through hoops in order for them to excercise that right.

Why, Althor do you want to place restrictions on people in order that they may vote?

I will ask the same thing again to you.

Is it reasonable to inhibit hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters from voting just so you can keep a few illegal voters away from the booths?

ALEC, and the Reublican party have managed to purchase your opinion. Their arguments are exactly the same as you have presented and they seem reasonable on the surface but an examination of them proves that you are being duped so that Republicans can alter the results of elections.

Rather than having Republicans present what they believe is the best candidates and win elections honestly, they are attempting to cheat the system. You, althor are enabling them to so so.


Active Member
In many cases folks who have been voting for decades have been rendered incapable of voting because of the new ID laws - and in many cases they don't even know and my not find out until they arrive at their polling place.
Lol, So they know when to go vote and for who they are voting for but they don't know the voting laws have changed.

Now the fact is that there is little if any widespread voter fraud in this country.
You got any FACTS to back up such a wild statement?

We know that Republicans see limited voting as a way of getting their people in office.
We do? Is that some stated agenda you have read somewhere or is it just some meaningless verbal diarrhea you read in some liberal blog?


Well-Known Member
Lol, So they know when to go vote and for who they are voting for but they don't know the voting laws have changed.

You got any FACTS to back up such a wild statement?

We do? Is that some stated agenda you have read somewhere or is it just some meaningless verbal diarrhea you read in some liberal blog?
Facts to back up the fact that there is little if any voter fraud going in in this country? Even some of the states stipulate in court that there is none to speak of.

I am asked these same questions over and over and over again - I suppose I should have put something together to post repeatedly.

I am hesitant to show you all of the things I state because you really don't want to know. This is all about proving me wrong and nothing about the voter fraud situation. I don't read a lot of liberal blogs but it is telling that you would attribute my understanding of the voter ID situation to someone else "telling" me about it, as though I am forcefed my beliefs.

We know Republicans see limited voting as a way of getting their people in office because some of them have come out and stated this.