Del Norte County's new bad deal


Well-Known Member
Can they do this?

They are calling it "no limits" on the amount you can grow/posess, but..(big but) you need a doctors prescription that states the amount your condition requires or it is up to police discretion as to whether you have too many plants or not....

Have you EVER had a doctor tell you how much to grow or smoke??

I don't like this.
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Active Member
growing eh? idk

but buying is true, in cali they have shops and vending machines. but the shops get busted by federal law enforcement agencies (DEA and ATF). because at the state level its legal but fed its not, and they dont have to follow local or state laws. kinda gay
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Well-Known Member
Del Norte county is in California... basically, if you have a prescription, it will be invalid 31 days after this is adopted, if it goes through.

"Henion said patients will need a doctor's recommendation on the number of plants they can grow and the amount of processed medical marijuana they can possess in order to avoid prosecution" - from the article

Everyone in Del Norte will have to get new prescriptions stating how much they can grow or posess or be at risk.

I just hope this doesn't go through.
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Active Member
well lets replace the shops getting busted by feds with growers (doctor prescribed ones of course) getting busted by feds. is the DEA gunna come after every person on the list if they can? high improbable. but they could if they wanted.

im just saying even if it is one plant the dea still can void the county laws and take what ever action they want.

this is just all really stupid. everyone should operate on the same laws and marijuana should be nationally legalized


Well-Known Member
well... it passed. the new law takes effect Aug. 8.

"the board opted instead for no guidelines after a state appellate court ruled that placing limits on medical marijuana was unconstitutional."

"If a patient doesn't have a set prescription for medical marijuana, such as 35 plants and 2 pounds, then someone in law enforcement would need to make a determination on whether or not the patient's situation warrants that amount. "

kinda gives me that sinking feeling...:cry:



Active Member
that is gay. granted there are exceptions, most "law enforcment officers" are power hungry mother fuckers. sorry man...