Dehydrated Manure Tea?


Well-Known Member
I know from experience that composted cow manure is a better soil amendment because it's been composted. Also dehydrated manure can burn plants roots if it isn't worked into the soil in small quantities.
My question is would dehydrated manure make a good soured for tea?
Any Organics pros out there, I would love to hear from you. Thx.


Active Member
From my understanding the composting process helps break stuff down that make nutrients available in a form which plants can use. So a non composted manure may not provide as much intimidate NPK as a composted one would. It may however, provide more micro bacteria than a composted variety, which over time will provide nutrients to your plants roots...Very interesting question


Well-Known Member
Nute wise the dehydrated manure would not be a problem since you use a couple of cups to a gallon maybe, however, one of the biggest benefits of compost tea is the micros that grow in the brew process. The question is where on not the dehydrated manure would have that or not. Some nutes are absorbed in foliar feeding.
Other than the biology that takes place when compost is brew one should be just as well of top feeding and mixing into potting mix.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Since Cows has 6 stomachs, the south end product has already been through a semi-composting, as opossed to horses, chickens, unicorns & such. It's not a strong manure either, like Chicken manure. In tea, I would just follow the basic rules, mine is 1 gal of tea to 7 gals of water, for soil or foliar feeding. Being dehydrated, it would be easy to mix well with existing soil. The fresh, steaming green manure is a bitch to spread, unless you use a trowel. (LOL) The only problem with being green, fresh, is it gets hot, but being able to mix it well releives that Hot-Spot problem. You could use it 25% straight with regular soil & do well. Rabbit, I go up to 75%. You got a good thing there, go for it. Alway mix seaweed & molasses with the tea when applying. Your Ladies will thank you for it.