Death came to stay! Help me please


Me and my friends have setup a room toghether to grow some "pot of gold" strain clones to see what we get.
Since the beginning almost 2 months ago, when we planted the clones in pots, it happened once in a while 1 or 2 plantes would sudnely in a few hours get the leafs down with no strenght and 1 day latter the plant would be complitely dry.
Then we moved to bigger pots, and moved to a new room too, they got a some yellow spots in the first days after moving but new leafs look healthy. Have good light (changed to HPS 12/12 a few days ago) average watering, some nuts, but the same is happening and now more often, we are now reduced to almost half of the crop.
Its is really hard to identify since it is not happenign to all plants at the same time, its like 1 or 2 plants in 1 day, none in another day....
One plant can look healthy now, latter today the leafs start getting weak and down, tomorrow morning all leafs are down, and be tomorrow night if I grab one leaf it is complitely dry but still green.



Well-Known Member
What temp at you running at the leaf area?

It looks like temp to me too.

How long has that plant been in that pot? JR


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil
what nutes
watering schedule
how much light do you have
what is the pH of the water you give
somebody who knows what might be wrong needs to know the details
it isn't me, but you need to post a lot more information, i know that