
ambush paddington

Well-Known Member
theres some of this shit growing near me, I don't have shit to do for the next few days with no herb

say i eat one of the seed pods, what will the trip be like?


Well-Known Member
wel dont eat the seed pods you boil them into a tea lke 1.1.5 full seed pods will be a good dose but when i did it it was a really scary dark kinda trip remndded me of dex or pcp i honestly would not recomend it unless you are experienced with enthogenic plants cuz its a pretty strong one

but when i did it last time i was laying in bed and a swear my fiance was in thier talking to me but apparently she was wrestling some wierd spirits in the other room who "threw" lol her down the basement stairs and threw a tv at her wass her story lol and while that was going on i was talking with her in the bedroom and this black figure kinda reminded me of the guy from the candyman movies with the hook was lurking around the outer edge of the room nkinda teleporting around it was really bizarre


Well-Known Member
i've read that during the trip, you aren't actually capable of knowing you're hallucinating, and, and you don't really remember much of what happened. I don't like the idea of having zero reality testing. I don't like not being able to integrate my perceptions while tripping. sorta like, what's the point? I've also read that datura is very dangerous, so you're gonna wanna have a sitter.


Well-Known Member
Datura has also been known to cause temporary blindness...I tried some in a very small amound, didn't trip at all, but my pupils were dilated for 5 days afterwards.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I dont get why people do datura. I'd like to experience a full blown datura trip some day, but it's not something I HAVE to do.