Cxm 22’s at 1400


Well-Known Member
but then you need to run them in parallel,
Exactly. Parallel makes things easy to change, you just drop another cob/board/strip in the circuit and bam you have another light source. As many as you want.

Hey Viceman. From what Ive gathered, my lights need more 3500K then 4000K to hit the correct spectrum for emerson effect. So, I use the early and later for lower PAR, to hit that sweet zone. But crank it midday, to just get more intensity to the lower plants i have, and to hit the bottoms of the plants more. I like to think about the whole DLI, but I guess thats even kinda undetermined to measure the correct amount your even getting or its needs. IDK,

Still learning, but to date, this is the best growth ive ever seen, at least by self initiation, and not by accident, lol..

I find that the VPD is realllly important in the photosynthesis part of growth, thats for sure. as per my monitor, 48RH and 78F, and 400ish par, is where i see instant leaf prying. Someone said, i think it was Stephen from HLG, that prying leafs meant they had enough photons for the day, and will pray to let light hit bottom leafs. But after I get my Temps and Humid set for the day, they stand straight up-, like in 10minutes, So i cant imagine, they got enough photons already,..
IME the leaf praying thing is just a sign your plant is happy.