Customary Introduction Post

Well, here is my standard introduction post. I'm a Medicinal Marijuana user who is currently in Florida, meaning Im breaking laws just to keep myself from being overwhelmed by my severe anxiety disorder, simply because I'm tired of taking medications that, as a side-effect, cause anxiety. I've been a smoker for years, but never grown my own, and hope to get my first grow started very soon.

I'm located in/around Tampa, if anyone in that area wants to hit me up, that would be awesome. I'm no expert but I've read a lot and I have a wonderful cheery attitude that makes all my posts just a BLAST to read (/sarcasm) so I hope to contribute a little to the forum.

Also, I'm a bitch who appreciates good sarcasm, so this should be fun.


New Member
Welcome aboard! I am across the bay in Pinellas. Our laws are amongst the toughest in the country. So be careful out there. 1st suggestion for you Tell NO ONE but God about your grow. Good luck and don't be shy of PM'ing me if you have specific questions.
Thanks for the words of wisdom. Yea, I'm a little nervous about growing, but at the same time, desperate times call for desperate measures, and I like to consider myself a slightly intelligent person so I'll be good. By the way, I love Pinellas County; many weekends and late nights spent in St. Pete and Clearwater.
Thanks 420God.

Yea, that article is pretty fucked up, not gonna lie. I don't put it past Tampa City Police to do something like that with a place like Worm's Way or what not. On the other hand, though, I do have a pretty nice vegetable garden outside my house, so at the very least, I have a good cover and story to explain why I'm shopping there. On yet the third hand (figure that shit out), it sounds like these officers didn't give a flying fuck for regulation and laws.